Over 100 Caps Continued
Hopkinson J. (Rutland) 166
Jinks L. (S.D.M.W.) 134*
Maddocks K. (Derby West End) 124
McGill R. (Derby West End.) 156
Menzies S. (Derby West End.) 128*
Milnes T. (Derby West End.) 171
Peel D. (Long Eaton Y.M.) 167
Poynton A. (S.D.M.W) 129
Prati R. (Stanton Clubhouse) 301*
Prince D. (Long Eaton Town.) 127
Robinson Russ (Stute) 122*
Sheldon R G (Long Eaton Cooperative.) 111
Skelton S (Stute) 112
Smith D. (Long Eaton Town.) 157*
Smith Gavin (Rutland) 181
Spurr Sidney (Hallam Fields) 137
Spurr Steve (Hallam Fields) 118
Summers S (Long Eaton Town) 107
Thornhill D. (Stute) 165*
Ware C.J.W. (Rutland) 118
Wilcoxson J. (Derby West End) 122*
Wilkinson B. (Long Eaton Town.) 172
Wilkinson P. (Long Eaton Town) 226
Wood J.C. (S.D.M.W.) 113
Wood Les (S.D.M,W) 102*
*Played in the current 2024 season
Names in red & bold achieved a 'milestone' cap during the 2023 season.
New Caps 2022-24
Bird S (Derby West End) 7*
Bowley James (Long Eaton Town) 4*
Cooper K (Derby West End) 10*
Chaplin N (Derby West End) 13*
Dent M (Long Eaton Town) 6
Elliott K (Derby West End) 7
Ganderton J (S.D.M.W.) 6
Greaves L (Stute BC) 7*
Tait G (Stute BC) 12*
George Galpin (Stanton) 2*
Ollie Menzies (DWE) 2*
Steve Runter (DWE) 1*
Chris Bywater (Stute) 10*
Taylor Ray (DWE) 3*
Website Design by Katy Smith
Over 100 Caps -
Adams E. (Hallam Fields) 147
Allsopp D. (S.D.M.W) 156
Allsopp M. (S.D.M.W) 302
Arnett J. (S.D.M.W.) 304
Attack B. (Long Eaton Cooperative.) 301
Brotherhood R. (S.D.M.W.) 142
Broughton P (Stute) 201*
Bruce L. (Long Eaton Town) 145
Borrett Mos (Long Eaton Town.) 113
Bowles H (Long Eaton Town 114
Bowley J. (Stute) 185*
Bowley M. (Stute) 188*
Brennan D. (S.D.M.W.) 178
Cooley R. (Long Eaton Town) 134
Dennis A. (Long Eaton Town) 165
Doig Tom. (Long Eaton Town) 102
Dytham S. (S.D.M.W) 172
Fellows G. (Derby Normanton Park) 145
Gamble H. (Long Eaton West Park) 110
Gough R. (S.D.M.W.) 288
Griffin R. (Stute) 207
Hall S.K. (Long Eaton Cooperative.) 127
Harris A. (S.D.M.W.) 292
Haskins J. (Long Eaton Town) 178
Homer D. (S.D.M.W.) 132
Correct as of August 25th. 2024. Names in Italics played in 2023
Allcock B. (Long Eaton Town) 78
Barnett G. (Long Eaton Town) 37
Borrett Conor (Long Eaton Town) 34*
Bywater B (Stute) 38*
Cheetham C. (Stute) 30*
Clipston A. (Stute) 81*
Conley E (Long Eaton Town) 30 **
Fletcher A. (Long Eaton Town) 15
Fradgeley A (Long Eaton Town) 29
Grant Josh (Stute) 35
Greenough B. (Derby West End) 43*
Harris L. (S.D.M.W) 24
Hornsby J. (S.D.M.W.) 65
Lees A (Long Eaton Town) 74
Lomax C (S.D.M.W.) 33
Middlemass S (Long Eaton Town) 55*
Poole R (Long Eaton Town) 46
Robinson Richie (Stute) 59*
Slater K. (Stute) 50
Shaw Dean (Derby West End) 6*
Smith Josh (Long Eaton Town) 22*
Starbuck Josh (Stute) 4*
Starbuck S (Stute) 9*
Terrell M. (Long Eaton Town) 43
Williams A (Long Eaton Town) 6
** Records lost for Eric Conley – these figures are from his return to the county side in 2015.